2015-10-10 IRATA最新公佈三級技術員不在場的時數本簽核辦法



Dear Jay,

Non IRATA L3 Signatures in Logbooks

The Training Committee are in the process of updating 032R procedures for IRATA registrations and direct entry into two annexes to the TACS document.
Whilst this is being carried out the only guidance for logbook signatures is in TACS 4.13 and

4.17.7 where it is stated that:

4.13.1 Logbooks are issued by the IRATA International office and shall be maintained by the rope access Technician. Logbook entries shall be countersigned by the supervising Level 3 rope access Technician.
4.14.7 Under the heading Supervisor’s signature, all logbook entries shall be countersigned by the supervising Level 3 rope access Technician, who shall log their name (printed clearly), signature and IRATA International unique number.

NOTE: Rope access Technicians wishing to upgrade who are unable to provide Level 3 signatures should contact an IRATA training member company prior to booking on a course.

When contacted for advice and until we have a version of TACS annex B that has been agreed by the membership, the following applies:

·  Technicians that are not always able to obtain signatures from an IRATA level 3 should have their hours signed by a person in authority who can verify that the hours are accurate and have been completed on a double rope system. The person approving the hours logged should print their name, position and leave a contact telephone number.

·  If this is done retrospectively, an official letter from an employing company verifying multiple entries is also acceptable.

Examples of people who may sign logbooks are:

·  Rope access supervisor from other systems e.g. Soft L4 or Sprat L3, ARAA L2/L3
      - (If unsure contact the local RAC for advice);

·  Rope access project manager or company managing director.

Training companies and Instructors should ensure that the candidate has knowledge of the IRATA system before presenting the candidate for assessment.

When faced with logbooks containing non IRATA L3 signed hours, training companies and IRATA Assessors should be extra vigilant as to the validity of these hours. In such cases, in order to better evaluate the candidate’s rope access experience, Assessors should evaluate the candidate's previous workplace knowledge. Level 3 candidates should also successfully answer questions that will help to determine their level of knowledge of the ICOP and understanding of the IRATA system.

Training Committee

IRATA Internationa







1.     來自其他繩索技術系統的現場監督例如: SOFT L4(挪威繩索技術組織四級) 或SPRAT L3(美國專業繩索技術員學會三級),ARAA L2/L3(澳洲繩索技術協會二級/三級)


2.    繩索技術專案經理或公司主管 (亞陞註:工作現場聘請你去的公司主管、各級繩索技術員、業主等)








阿杰 2015/10/10

E-Mail: rope@airas.com.tw   TEL: +886 2 2664 5572   Mobile: +886 983 609 607  
深坑訓練中心:222新北市深坑區北深路2段51-1號 / 台中訓練中心:407台中市西屯區福雅路482巷126-3號 / 高雄訓練中心:825高雄市橋頭區西林里林北路39-3號